Ever heard about a band called "Captain Bringdown and the Buzzkillers"? Sounds funny and is worth a listen. The guys who made this DIY video of a bike tour have a sense for cool Punk SKA! The video itself is not worth mentioning but bicycles brought me to this band, I'd never have known otherwise.
Freitag, 26. Juli 2013
Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 9: Bicycle Seat
The Original by Jango Edwards: Live Would Be Oh So Sweet, If I Was a Bicycle Seat.
Jango introduced himself as Larie Languina, when he performed this Song in Italy. Never heard this song before, so I was happy to come across this little Caribbean jewel. Wish I was a bicycle seat too.
The Cover Version by Max Splodge & Splodgenessabounds: Bicycle Seat
Not a bad version with nasty vocals and odd steel drums. Punk, Oi! and Ska fans may prefer this one.
Just for the record this single released by Max Splodge lists author unknown but is an exact copy taken from my 1st album "Jango Edwards and the Friends Roadshow-Live in the Melkweg" and the song I composed "Life Would be oh so Sweet if I was a Bicycle Seat." Since 1976 I've recorded and released 5 variation of my song on my 1st Square Records single, a 2nd single for Ariola and the albums "Clown Power" and "Jango Edwards and the Little Big Nose Banned-Live in Europe."
Sonntag, 31. März 2013
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 8: Dr. Deadlock - La Bicistaffetta
Ska, Beer & Bicycles in association with Blue Esquire Production and
FIAB Onlus
proudly present:
La Bicistafetta (song, video & download)
Brand new recording and DIY production. Music by Tschinge Khan, words by Dr. Deadlock (which is me, myself and I&I). We're both part of the legendary German skaband Bluekilla - pure Ska since 1985, which some of you might have heard about in the past 28 years. No money has been spent, just time. Fun we had and a good time. Fuck Cars - Go Bike!
Freitag, 29. März 2013
Reggae Bike Song: Early B - Wheely Wheely
Early B aka The Doctor (real name Earlando Arrington Neil) was a Jamaican dancehall and reggae artist who, amongst other songs, became famous with the single Wheely Wheely (1984, 56 Hope Road), a hymn about bicycle riding in Jamaica. Early B got his satge name from the nick name Early Bird, which he earned by coming always early to his shows. Unfortunately he also died early, when he was shot in Massachusetts on 9/11 1994 in a Windsor Crickett Club in Dorchester. Neither his killers were ever found nor the reason for his killing was revealed.
Four Wheel No Real (1984, Midnight Rock) was the title of his first LP (though facts differ very much on dates in several sources) and already indicated his love for the two-wheeler, while with his second LP Wheely Wheely (1985, Sunset) he carried on with the promotion for bicycles and the coolness of the one-wheel-ride, that makes the girls dem cry out loud.
Early B - Wheely Wheely
This one dedicated to all the youth who ride bicycle
I admire all the youth dem ride one wheel
One wheel wheel him mek we wheely one wheel
Say this is not a bargain, say this is not a deal
Say this is like huff in a delicious meal
I jus love all de youth dem a ride one wheel
It look like a movie but we know it is real
Some say like dem a gwan like dem a mek outta steel
Around de microphone dis is de doctor Early B
Early B - Bicycle Bicycle
Before Early B released the Wheely Wheely hit song another song called Bicycle Bicycle appeared first on the Techniques label in 1983 and later on the Rosie Uprising label in 1984.
Early B - Four Wheel No Real
This is the title Song of the Four Wheel No Real (1984, Midnight Rock) LP. There was probably no other Jamaican reggae artist who dedicated his lyrics as radically to the two-wheeler as Early B did. We should remember him for this and listen to his nice and decent dancehall styles again and again.
Montag, 25. März 2013
Blue Beat Bikes - Pt. 3
Marc's trade mark
is a very distinguished way of playing his tenor sax. He isn't spoilt by scholastic lessons and smart-alecky teachers, quite the contrary, he's one of the last self made masters of the dreaded deadly tone. Just the same way as he rides his white Pakka bike. Most likely the only MTB on this planet with a carrier AND a wire basket. It's the only way to carry a sax safely, he claims.
Marc has been sax playing with Bluekilla since 1987.
Samstag, 23. März 2013
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 7: The Rinky Dink
Quite a hippie style thing but the engineering and the bicycle craftsmanship is brilliant. There's even traces of Ska & Reggae in the music. Love the power slaves riding the generator. Ride on Rinky Dink.
Reggae Bike Song: Jah Thomas - Bicycle Skank
Watch ya man!
Nutty Dread go deh pon de bicycle, an den me do de likkle bicycle skank.
Transpedal Bike Courier - 2013-03-19
Transpedal Bike Courier, GPS Track :
Just GPS track of one of my more extended bike messenger trips through Munich. Quite a big part of it was in parks and urban woods.
Transpedal Fahrradkurier, GPS Track
Ein GPS Track von einer meiner Fahrradkuriertouren, die etwas ausladender ausgefallen ist. Ein guter Teil der Tour führte duch Grünanlagen und Stadtwälder.
Just GPS track of one of my more extended bike messenger trips through Munich. Quite a big part of it was in parks and urban woods.
Transpedal Fahrradkurier, GPS Track
Ein GPS Track von einer meiner Fahrradkuriertouren, die etwas ausladender ausgefallen ist. Ein guter Teil der Tour führte duch Grünanlagen und Stadtwälder.
Montag, 18. März 2013
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 6: Madness - Riding on My Bike
On my search for Ska Bike Videos I've never thought about looking for one made by the notorious Nutty Boys. In fact it's not a video but who cares, the picture instead is so awesome, it's just fit for a video. Enjoy the song like I did.
Madness - Riding On My Bike
Anger Management League - Janie Jones
I released this dirty reggae cover of the Clash original in 2007.
500 vinyl copies have been pressed and sold. The whole album contains songs from the first Clash album from 1977 and a few versions. The plan was to record the whole Clash album 30 years later in ska and reggae style but only 7 (or 8?) songs made it.
Samstag, 16. März 2013
Hercules City Sport TS - Das ADFC Fahrrad des Jahres von 1989
Das ADFC Fahrrad des Jahres 1989 und zugleich das letzte ADFC Fahrrad. Im Dezember 2012 auf ebay erstanden. Neuwertiger Lagerverkauf.
Auffälligste Bestandteile sind die Standbeleuchtung mit Akku und der vordere Gepäckträger. Lenker und Vorbau sind massiv, so wie die Schutzbleche mit Betonung auf Blech und Spritzfang am vorderen Blech. Vorne hat's eine Trommelbremse der Marke Sachs und hinten packt die Rücktrittbremse kräftig zu.
Geliefert wurde das Rad im selbstgebastelten Karton. Ein erster Blick offenbarte keine Mängel, später stellte sich dann heraus, dass die Speichen eine total lasche Spannung hatten waren und nachgezogen werden mussten. Die Gangschaltung musste richtig eingestellt werden und, was am meisten nervte war das Fehlen eines Ladegerätes für den Standlichtakku, der aus 5 zusammengelöteten NiMH AA Akkus besteht. An sich war das damals eine absolute Sensation, obwohl es sich gewichtsmässig ganz schön bemerkbar macht. Anfangs wollte die Lichtanlage nicht so recht funktionieren und erst nachdem ich einen der Akkus in ein billiges Schnellladegerät eingelegt hatte, war der Akku wieder reaktiviert. Seitdem funktioniert die Anlage mit Seitenläufer einwandfrei und ich brauch die lästigen Batterielampen nicht mehr. Nach ein paar Fahrten wr auch klar, dass die Trommelbremse eine dieser fast unbrauchbaren Exemplare ist, die einen Sofort-Total-Stopp bewirken können. Einem unerträglich hohem Kreischgeräusch folgt bei unvorsichtiger Betätigung der Bremse eine Blockade der Bremse mit der Gefahr, über den Lenker katapultiert zu werden. Vorsichtiges Bremsen entschärft die Schleudergefahr, nicht aber das ohrenzerschneidende Geäusch, dass einem noch eine Weile nachklingelt. Abhilfe schafft da nur der Wechsel der Beläge und wenn das nichts nutzt muss man die Trommelinnenwand anrauhen. Das habe ich mir für den Sommer aufgehoben. Der einzige Grund für die Anschaffung eines ADFC Fahrrades des Jahres war die Notwendigkeit eines Winterfahrrades um meinen Roadster vor den Salzattacken Münchnerischer Winterstrassen zu beschützen. Die erste aufwertende Massnahme war demzufolge natürlich der Kauf eines Satzes Schwalbe Spikereifen für den Normaleinsatz (120 Spikes pro Reifen). Mit diesen Reifen ist man auf dem City Sport TS dann unterwegs wie ein Traktor. Für den Winter relativ ungeeignet ist meiner Meinung nach eine Rücktrittbremse, die Füsse braucht man in seifigen Schneeverhältnissen für den Vortrieb und nicht, um bremsbereit zu sein. Nach einiger Gewöhnungszeit ist aber auch das zu schaffen. Von grossem Vorteil ist im Winter der vordere Gepäckträger, mit dem man wunderbar Skier transportieren kann. Auch andere schwere Transportgüter, wie 10kg Katzenstreusäcke, lassen sich vorne besser transportieren, weil die ordentlich Gewicht auf das Vorderrad legen und die Spurtreue verstärken.
Wenn die letzten Rollsplittreste von den Strassen gekratzt sind, kommt das gute Stück fein gewaschen, vom Salz befreit und eingeölt in den Keller zum übersommern. Der nächste Winter kommt bestimmt.
Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 5: Andy Gale & The Ska Machine
Original info text of the YouTube video:
"Sometimes cycling can be the only way to get from A to B in Birmingham. This gridlock was caused by an accident in the Hagley Road and the traffic was still going nowhere when a friend of mine drove through an hour later.
The music is performed by Andy Gayle and a band he was playing with at the time called "Ska Machine". The tune is Road Block by Tommy McCook. For more on Andy's music go to
I was really enjoying this video for the excellent music selection and the hillarious idea of filming a gridlock caused by a single accident with a helmet camera on a bicycle. I can't stop watching it and keep on hitting replay. Road Block by Tommy McCook must have been written just for this sequence. I also never heard about the performing band Andy Gale & The Ska Machine, which made me poke around a bit to find out more. Well and I found out that I missed something important but it's never too late to learn and become less dumb. Andy Gale is a british saxophone player who toured with the Specials, the Special Beat, The Skatalites, Jazz Jamaica and different reggae groups amongst them Ziggy Marley.
The McCook song was released in 1996 on a self titled 4-track EP by the SKA MACHINE

1. You Can't be Serious (Ska Machine)
2. Joe 90 (TV Theme)
3. Pretty Women
4. Road Block (Tommy McCook) (mp3 sample)
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 4: Ska-nk
Romenian band SKA-NK plays Ska and punk since about 2010 and recorded this nice uptempo bicycle song simply called "Bicicleta". If you like them you can give them a like on their FB: Ska-nk on Facebook.
Nothing more to say, just listen.
Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013
SKA Cruisers - Vol. 4: SKA Huffy
SKA Huffy! Now what is that? It takes quite a while to find out in this post but if you are patient and interested enough to read to the end, you'll find out what this post has to do with SKA & Bikes. It's a well researched article about american low quality bikes from the third quarter of the last century, and later on about end of century high quality SKA in the US. To cut to the chase: Read! The original article or did you think I'm copying other peoples work:
![]() |
© by Urban Adventure League |
Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013
SKA Euphoria - Beer in Bicycle Heaven
SKA Euphoria - Beer in Bicycle Heaven: This pale ale from SKA Brewing Company has been tested by Bicycle Heaven and has qualified for being "Beer of the Week" 12/05/2012.
"Nice hoppy flavor but not overpowering. This is a great seasonal beer that is very easy to drink and enjoy in the cold weather. This Beer gets a (A-) rating." (Rating by Chris @ Bicycle Heaven)
Ska Bike Videos - Pt. 3: Johnny & The Raindrops
Straight from Nottingham: Johnny & The Raindrops singing "Live Is Better on a Bicycle". How much is this true! A simple Ska jewel to sing along with in the early morning, having a breakfast with ham & eggs or whistling while - yeah guess what! - while commuting on your bike in sunshine or rain, weather doesn't matter. This song makes the sun shine even in a scandinavian winter. Thumbs up.
Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013
SKA, Beer & Bicycles
Combining three different obsessions to a piece of clothing isn't that hard. Just take a look at this nice jersey from The SKA Brewing Company. The name says it all: SKA Brewing Bike Jersey. Three words of truth on a red hot and checkered jersey. Makes me want to skank on my bike.
Btw, found it here. The typical 3rd Wave Ska design was created by Bobby Dean, a graphic designer from Phoenix, AZ.
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